Kate Timmerman- VP visit

Description: Dear Valerie,

John Carlstrom currently has an SPT meeting scheduled in ERC 545 on May 8. We have a large VIP group coming to campus on that day and he has graciously offered to give us the space but asked me to confirm that SPT is the only group scheduled there that day. Would you be able to see the ERC 545 schedule and confirm that?

I believe Mary Pat McCullough may have previously talked with you or Jennifer about this but she is out of the office today. Cc’ing her here.

Thank you,



Kate Waimey Timmerman, PhD 

Executive Director

Chicago Quantum Exchange


773-834-8054 (office)

312-618-6300 (cell)

Confirmation status: Confirmed
Approval status: Approved
Room: Astronomy - 545 Chandra Room
Start time: 09:00:00AM - Wednesday 08 May 2019
Duration: 9 hours
End time: 06:00:00PM - Wednesday 08 May 2019
Type: Single
Created by: jmsmith
Modified by:
Last updated: 05:08:44AM - Monday 22 April 2019
Repeat type: None
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